Monday 24 December 2007

So here it is, Merry Christmas

Just a quick post (as I'm down with the 'rents for the hols) to send you all most wonderful wishes for a very happy non-religious winter festival, aka Christmas in shorthand (I see no hypocrisy in this, it's a takeover of the winter solstice and the Saturnalia anyway so I'm damn well going to have presents and sing songs).

Here is the tree chez Ginger:

As you will see, it's full of stuffed toy birds so that the boyfriend and I can birdwatch without having to go outside in the cold, although we will be doing so for real between Christmas and New Year. I'll therefore post again in 2008.

Have a fab holiday season!

1 comment:

stash haus said...

Happy Christmas/Boxing Day, etc. to you and yours! Love the description of the birds in your boxing day post. I wish we observed some form of a Boxing Day in the states - instead, I'm back at the grindstone after making quite merry yesterday. Yawn!