Tuesday 9 October 2007

Monkey business

A trip to the theatre tonight with L and M, to see Cooped by Spymonkey. I have no way of describing this most surreal of plays, other than that it was in spirit much like a very silly episode of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. The reviews all seem to mention Monty Python or Carry On. Anyway, it was terribly funny in that peculiarly British way involving plenty of slapstick, nudity, toilet humour and vicious poking of fun at various nationalities and religions. The cast were great, they sing and some of them I would assume are or were dancers, given the body control they needed for some of the physical comedy. An extremely amusing evening all in all, and I want one of the remote controlled pheasants!

Kudos to M for referencing the story of the original spymonkey! Which of course inspired Hartlepool United FC's famous mascot, H'Angus the Monkey, who went on to become the Mayor of Hartlepool in 2002 onwards. Hmm, perhaps we should replace the entire House of Commons with giant cuddly toys? They might argue less than the current lot who I had to watch this afternoon for the Pre-Budget Report, and who could disagree with the policy "free bananas for schoolchildren"?

I don't actually like monkeys, as their little hands with little fingernails freak me out.

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